(Important to review by new and recurring members alike)
Membership Logistics
- Our regular membership fee for 2025 is $85.00 (+ processing fees), which includes the members of your household.
- Our discounted membership in 2025 for bird Care volunteers is $42.50 (+processing fees). For more information about bird Care volunteer and membership, visit the “Birds” Page.
- Our memberships are valid for the calendar year
- Membership paid after July 31st carries over to include the following year.
- Access to the Chapter Grounds (Open from April 1st thru Opening Day of Wisconsin Ruffed Grouse Zone A season as defined by the WI DNR)
Being a member of the Kettle Moraine NAVHDA chapter gives you…
- On-site supply of TRAINING BIRDS for purchase
- Training Days
- Access to our knowledge base for training your versatile hunting breed.
Please review the following linked documents before clicking the “JOIN” link:
NAVHDA Waiver and Release Agreement
LEASED LAND RULES – Chapter Grounds
Note that you must hold a current NAVHDA International membership to be a member of our chapter and use our Chapter Grounds. This is an insurance requirement as NAVHDA carries our insurance.
BIRD CARE MEMBERSHIP (Click here if you volunteered for bird care in 2024)
By Clicking the “JOIN” link above, you are agreeing to the “LEASED LAND RULES – Chapter Grounds” and the “NAVHDA Waiver and Release Agreement” Further, you are applying an electronic signature to each recognizing that you, your guests, and the members of your household agree to and are bound by these agreements.
Section 1
The name of the organization is Kettle Moraine NAVHDA, Inc., a chapter of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association.
Section 2
The purposes of this organization are:
a. To affiliate with the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association and abide by the Constitution, Bylaws and rules of the above organization.
b. To foster, improve, promote and protect the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America by such activities as follows:
1. Conducting field tests for the versatile breeds according to the test standards of NAVHDA, Inc.
2. Sponsoring training clinics to assist handlers in training their dogs for both hunting and tests.
3. To encourage and actively promote sportsmanlike conduct in the field, at the tests and require observance of game laws and regulations.
4. Promoting the use of the versatile hunting dog breed to other hunters and sportsmen.
Section 3
The organization is a nonprofit corporation pursuant to the laws of the State of Wisconsin and a chapter of the international organization.
Section 1
Chapter dues will be determined by the Board of Directors and a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the present Board is required to change the amount of dues.
Section 2
There will be a flat membership that includes all members of a household.
Section 3
Provided membership dues are current, voting rights of members will be as follows: any. Individua of a household membership eighteen (18) years of age or older will have one (1) vote each if present at event a vote is being held.
Section 4
Chapter dues are good for the calendar year.
Section 5
Chapter members who have not renewed their memberships by March 31 of the current year will be dropped from the membership rolls, and all benefits of the Chapter will be terminated.
Section 6
Chapter dues received after July 31 will be good for the balance of the existing year and the next calendar year.
Section 7
Expulsion of a current Chapter member for improper conduct, unsportsmanlike behavior or other reasons deemed harmful to the Chapter may be done after a hearing by the Board of Directors by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the Board.
Section 8
The Chapter shall become active upon the payment of the annual dues of ten (10) or more persons.
Section 1
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the following: The President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, four (4) Board Members and Test Director.
a. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and the Board of Directors and shall have the power and duties normally appurtenant to the office of the President, in addition to those particularly specified in this Constitution. The President shall appoint officers to fill vacancies occurring between elections and appoint committee chairmen as may be required with the approval of the board members.
b. The Vice President shall have the duties and exercise the power of the President in case of the President’s absence or incapacity.
c. The Secretary will maintain a roster of current members and conduct all correspondence of the Chapter business, records minutes of all meetings and notifies the Board and the general membership of meetings.
d. The Treasurer will receive and bank all money due the Chapter, including dues, and will keep a record of the same. Pay bills from Chapter only when clearly authorized and when receipts for expenditures are attached. Give a complete financial report at the end of the year. Maintain all financial records.
e. The four (4) Board Members will be given their responsibilities by the President.
f. The Test Director position holds a Board Vote and has the responsibilities of management of the Test Secretary, Test Coordinator and securing the judging teams for the tests. Duties include:
i) Test Secretary – Responsible for all the paper work. Responsible for overall preparation. Makes electronic application to Director of Testing for Test Dates
and for Judges. Assigns test coordinator. Handles test correspondence, Test
entries, score cards, etc. Schedule apprentice judges (see notes in Judge and
Chapter Obligations section.) Should read all of the “Test Information” section
of the NAVHDA Test Packet.
ii) Test Coordinator – Responsible for management of the Test. Sees to
arrangement for grounds and birds; assigns tasks and stays updated on progress.
Should also read all of the “Test Information” section of the NAVHDA Test
Section 1
Members of the Board of Directors are elected to a term of two (2) years except the Test Director, which is appointed, by the president, for a term of one (1) year.
Section 2
The President, Treasurer, and two (2) Board Members will be elected on the even-numbered year. The Vice President, Secretary, and two (2) Board Members will be elected on the odd numbered year.
The Vice President shall appoint an election committee consisting of two (2) members whose responsibility will be to propose a slate of officers and accept nominations from the floor. Said nominations will then be presented to the Board
The Secretary will send a list of nominations and absentee ballot(s) to all members in via email or mail to the membership one month before the Chapter Annual Meeting
The election will be held at the Chapter’s Annual meeting. Members in attendance at the Chapter’s Annual meeting will vote by a show of hands. Members not in attendance will have the opportunity to mail in the absentee ballot for voting. The absentee ballot must be received by the Secretary prior to the Chapter’s Annual meeting to be counted.
Section 1
The Chapter will hold an annual meeting before December 31st of each year. The purpose of this meeting is as follows:
a. To present the Treasurer’s report.
b. To obtain input from the general membership for the delegate who will be attending the national meeting.
c. To vote on any changes to the Bylaws.
d. To present a proposed schedule for the year’s events.
Section 2
The Chapter will hold an election meeting at the Chapter’s Annual Meeting the purpose of this meeting is as follows:
a. To confirm nominations for officers and board members.
b. To vote on those nominations.
Section 3
All other Chapter business will be acted upon by the Board of Directors when required. The Board of Directors may utilize electronic correspondence to conduct Chapter business. All Board meetings will be open to the general membership. A quorum of four (4) board members is required.
Section 1
All meetings shall be conducted to the extent practicable in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 2
Normal procedure requires that the Secretary, by correspondence, notify all members of the next meeting. Motions can be presented by any paid-up member. A simple majority of votes cast by paid-up members present at the meeting carries a motion, except for motions to revise or amend the Constitution, which motions require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members at the meeting.
Section 3
The Treasurer publishes annually a financial statement of the Chapter. The financial report shall be examined by two (2) members of the Board of Directors before the annual publication of said report.
Section 1
Amendments to these Bylaws will be voted on by the Chapter members, and a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members present is needed to pass.
Section 2
All Chapter members will be notified of the proposed amendment at least one (1) month before the vote. This may be done through the mail or Chapter newsletter.